Superlove Interview

So, I believe today we’ll witness Superlove’s 2000trees debut. What can we expect from your set?

Jacob: “I think you can expect a laugh. Right, we’re just gonna go on stage and we’re gonna have fun and we’re gonna try and make people laugh. That’s like the main thing ain’t it?”

Jon: “Yeah because if people don’t like the music that we do, at least we can make them laugh a little bit”

Jacob: “Absolutely, is that the comedy? I don’t know”

Jon: “Yeah they were s**t, but they were funny or they were good, but they weren’t that funny”

Jacob: “Could go either one of those ways really. Just put a smile on someone’s face you know, nothing more”

From what I’ve been able to gather from the Festival already is that the crowds are definitely up for a good time! 

Jacob: “Yeah, it’s been 3 years of it not being on and like this is their summer so that’s understandable” 

Is there any particular song you’re looking forward to playing today? Any favorites?

Jacob: “That’s quite a good question actually. I’d say, personally a song that we play called ‘By The Way I Adore You’ cause it’s quite heavy and fun to play for us”

Jon: “Yeah”

Jacob: “And I think urm, well hopefully there’s a mosh pit or two - we’ll see”

Jon: “That was going to be my choice as well!” 

Jacob: “Was it?”

Jon: “But I’ll say ‘Save Yourselves’ just because that’s good”

Jacob: “Yeah!”

Jon: “Yeah that’s good, does the job. Three and a half minutes”

You’re heading out on tour in a few days time, as part of The National Lottery’s Revive Live tour. How does it feel to be part of that?

Jacob: “Really cool to be fair, because we were like not too sure what we were doing with touring plans this summer. We weren’t expecting to go on tour and then when we got the call up for that we were like brilliant! They sorted us all out, didn’t they?”

Jon: “They did”

Jacob: “They went, ‘there’s your dates, there’s your shows, off you go’. So, urm yeah it’s kind of fairly not last minute but it was only announced about four weeks ago”

Jon: “Wasn’t too long was it”

Jacob: “Yeah we’re very very excited. To be honest, I haven’t really thought about it too much because we’ve been too focused on….”

Jon: “Yeah I think it’s because we’re doing Trees, which for one show is quite stressful really”

Jacob: “Yeah, we’ve been looking forward to this for quite a while. But yeah, should be good”

For anyone new to the band, could you sum up who Superlove are?

Jacob: “I’d say, three words. First word”

Jon: “Two syllables”

Jacob: “Yeah, is it countdown? Where’s Rachel?”


Jacob: “I’d say: ‘heavy’, and you’d (looking at Jon) say ‘fun’, and I’d say ‘melody’. Just heavy, fun melodies really. That’s all you can expect”

And a few jokes for good measure? 

Jon: “Absolutely”

Jacob: “Goes without saying really!”