Glass Animals
8.22.24 Noblesville, IN
Ruoff Music Center
Kendra G. Insomnia Photographer
Show Review
If you have never seen Glass Animals live, add it to your to-do list. Not only will you enjoy great music, the energy is on its own level. With perfect weather, the outdoor amphitheater was gearing up for an electrifying night of pure joy and entertainment.
Kicking off the night with a crowd engaging performance, Kevin Abstract took stage at 7:45 PM. Coming out immediately singing “BIG DOG”, he hopped over the barricade into the pit to rock out with the crowd. With a long time background making music with his former band BROCKHAMPTON, he made sure to give the fans songs from earlier on in his boy band career. Playing older songs written with his former band like “Gummy”, “Buzzcut”, “RZA”, he kept the crowd engaged in the pit and on stage.
Wrapping up and making sure he prepped every single person in the audience, Kevin Abstract finished his set with his edgy sounding song “Blanket”.
Whether you are an avid pop, indie, electronic listener or have never even heard of Glass Animals, I can almost 100% guarantee that anyone who attends one of their concerts will not be disappointed. The band formed in 2010 over in Oxford, England and they have been traveling the world since.
Kicking off their Tour of Earth tour, you are met with a massive banner covering the stage with their fourth studio album title “I LOVE YOU SO F***ING MUCH“. As the lights dim, the side screens start off with a script that is very on par with what everyone is about to experience for the evening. In the most fitting way, the banner drops and you are greeted with the four-piece indietronic/pop band. Feeding off the intoxicating energy from the crowd, “whatthehellishappening?“ starts and the party begins.
Going directly to the second song, the lead vocalist, Dave Bayley starts dancing to the funky and groovy intro of “Life Itself”. Paired with out of this world lasers and graphics, the crowd never missed a beat to every hard hitting note. The stage presence only would get anyone off their feet and move with each melodic beat. “Wonderful Nothing” from their newest album softly begins with a classical, yet eery intro. Singing ever so softly, the song starts to build with a little more grit. About a minute in, the audience moves side to side to the change of pace the song brings. Continuing the set with songs like, “A Tear In Space (Airlock)”, “Creatures in Heaven”, the crowd put their cell phone lights on during the song “Lost in the Ocean”. Keeping the crowd engaged, Dave went into the crowd to sing from the pits and around the pavilion for their hit song “Gooey”. This feel-good song is bound to raise your endorphins to be on a high you’ve never felt during live music. Finishing the night off, they played two encore songs, “The Other Side of Paradise” and “Heat Waves”.
To be completely honest, I know I mentioned earlier that I can almost 100% guarantee anyone in attendance would not be disappointed, but I take that statement back. Because I know you won’t be disappointed attending a Glass Animals live concert. There is no way you could attend a show of theirs and not leave satisfied after experiencing such pure and euphoric bliss.