Palaye Royale
KK’s Steel Mill 02/14/23
Wolverhampton UK
Claire H. Photographer
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Live Review
As part of their Fever Dream tour, Palaye Royale headed to the UK to put on four spectacular sold out shows. Concluding at Wolverhampton’s famous KK’s Steel Mill, die-hard fans gathered in their masses to secure their spot at the front of the stage.
When the in-house lights went down, the uproar from the crowd was deafening. A fairytale-esque interlude blasted through the speakers as the stage became a sea of red lighting and heavy fog. The anticipation for the band’s arrival on stage built rapidly by the second. In no time, the band filed onto the multi-level stage; accompanied their logo projected in bright lights and launched into opener “Nightmares”, with frontman Remington Leith making his grand entrance seconds later.
Known for their ferocious live performance, the band did not disappoint. From start to finish their set was filled to the brim with energy - and then some. Sebastian Danzig and touring guitarist Andrew Martin were simultaneously launching into mid air, with Danzig paying a visit to the lucky fans down on the barricade several times throughout the set.
A stand out moment of the night occurred during “King of the Damned”, a new track which saw Leith crowd surf on an inflatable boat whilst armed with a water gun. The frontman took the opportunity to climb and swing from a pillar that was sandwiched in the middle of the crowd before making the boat journey back to the stage assisted by the sea of hands.
Rounding off their action packed set were the tracks “Lonely” and “Fever Dream”, which proved to be the perfect end to a stunning set. Bursts of confetti launched into the air and made a truly wonderful sight. The general consensus is that Palaye Royale are currently at their biggest and best right now. The band will be making their return to the UK this June for the 20th Anniversary of Download Festival and it’s almost guaranteed to be a set you won’t want to miss.
No Love in LA
You’ll Be Fine
Fucking With My Head
King of the Damned
Dying in a Hot Tub
Punching Bag
Mr. Doctor Man
Off With the Head
Off With the Head (Outro)
Fever Dream